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Eating An Organic Diet Without Breaking The Bank
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Eating An Organic Diet Without Breaking The Bank

Eating an all organic diet seems impossible right?

I am here to tell you it’s not! In this post, I will be sharing how our family is able to save and still eat a wholesome organic diet!

Get a CSA.

First and foremost, sign up for a local CSA program! It is nothing short of amazing to receive fresh organic produce straight from the farmer that grew it. There is no better way to support your local farmer, to truly know where your food comes from, and to eat in season! You may be thinking, what’s a CSA program? CSA is Community Supported Agriculture. You pay your local farmer for a portion of the projected crops prior to the season. This helps them get things going! You then pick up a basket of fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables weekly or bi-weekly. Each share is different, and each farm offers different produce!

The time to sign up for a CSA is now! The great ones fill up quickly! We are personally with Madison Creek Farms, but there are many options locally. Delvin Farms, Green Door Gourmet, and Eco Gardens are all great options! If you are not local, a quick Google search will direct you to the right place!

Shop Around.

In addition to a CSA program, one great way to save is to simply shop around! I know it is convenient to do all of your shopping at one place, but you won’t get the most bang for your buck! We personally go to 5 to get what we need the cheapest way possible. Make it a point to compare prices and you will find you are saving in no time!

Can + Preserve.

Another great way to cut cost is to learn to can and preserve. Buying when in season and preserving is MUCH cheaper than buying when not in season! I am able to preserve so many from my crop share. I end up with peppers, pickles, tomato sauces etc throughout the winter for a fraction of the cost. Plus, it’s actually a lot of fun!

This website is a great canning resource to get you started:

Grow Your Own.

Lastly, grow your own!! It’s so therapeutic to grow your own food and SO cheap! It’s not that costly to get started and is so very rewarding. If you have had a garden before, you know what I mean when I say nothing tastes better than the food grown by your own two hands. Raised beds are best, but even if you don’t have land you can still grow herbs, tomatoes, peppers, and more in pots! I have yielded a beautiful bounty container gardening! The possibilities are endless! If you are new to organic gardening, this book is a fabulous resource:

This is some of my bounty from last year:

basil organic gardening homestead

If you are new to an organic lifestyle, do not be discouraged. It took me years to slowly replace everything in our home. Each small step is a step closer to your goal. I recommend replacing items over time as you run out of them with their organic counterpart. This way, you are not overwhelmed and out of money!

What are some of the ways that you save on organics? I’d love to hear from you!

Live pure. 

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