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Be The Change

Today’s world is all about faster and cheaper no matter the true cost.

We are on a mission to change that.

We are on a mission to educate people on why it is so important to clean up their routine in every aspect. Every dollar you spend is making a change or perpetuating the cycle. It is up to each and every one of us to do our part.

Every purchase you make, every decision you make, has an impact on the world around you. You can choose to have a positive impact or a negative one. The choice is yours. We all need to collectively shift our focus and realize this fact to work towards a healthier happier future.

Shop Local.

One way that we do our part is to shop locally whenever possible. If we know a local shop, person, or farmer that sells what we need, we purchase from them. It is as simple as that. Even more so if the item is eco-conscious. Shopping locally boosts your local economy and cuts down on your environmental impact. Local means minimal transportation involved to obtain your item thus cutting down your impact. You will be surprised at just how much you can find in your hometown and surrounding areas!

 Here’s a shot of our event display sign made from reclaimed wood by local artist Mayeli Art!

Pictured here is one of our reclaimed wood planters from local company we love Eternal Returns:

Shop With Companies With Ethics.


If not local, we purchase from other eco-conscious companies who give back. When we need clothing we shop with earth friendly companies such as Pact, Threads For Thought, Indigenous, and Satva just to name a few! Pact is the BEST for organic basics such as socks, underwear, tanks, tees, etc. We have been shopping with them for years and their clothes really stand the test of time. Check out these companies if you are in the market for new clothing. I think you will be impressed with what you see and how they are making our world a better place.


We really try to put THOUGHT into the items we purchase and the impact they have. I implore you to take a step back and truly think about each purchase you make. Think about how it is produced, the ethics involved, and if you truly need it or not. Is the item eco-friendly? How was it made? Are the production methods making a change or perpetuating the cycle? Are the answers to those questions in line with your personal ethics? If the answer if no, I encourage you to find a suitable replacement that is. You’ll soon find your home filled with items that you feel great about, and you’ll be making a difference too!

We encourage you to be the change.

Live pure. 

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