It's no secret that we love shopping local and organic. We are so happy to be a part of our local CSA program. We wanted to share a little about what it's like to be a part of one and why we love it so much.
Here is a shot of our first basket for the season:
As mentioned in a previous post, CSA stands for community supported agriculture. You pay your local farmer in advance for a portion of their projected crops for that season. This helps them get things going! You then pick up a basket of fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables weekly or bi-weekly. Each share is different. Each farm offers different selections and options!

First and foremost, we know our farmers by name. Their names are Peggy and Mark. We are able to hug the amazing people that grow our food as we pick up our baskets bi-weekly. That in itself is so great. It shouldn't be a rarity in today's world, but it is. Not long ago, this was a common occurrence. We as a culture have lost sight of our roots, and we are hoping to change that.
When we arrive at the farm, we return our previous baskets and sign in to let them know we have received our share. It is so simple.
When we pick up our baskets, we are able to see exactly where our food is grown, stroll through the field, as well as cut fresh herbs and flowers. It is so beautiful and peaceful at Madison Creek Farms. Each time we visit, we return feeling replenished and full from connecting with the place that nourishes our bodies.
Here is a look inside of our first basket:

We love taking our son to visit the farm and see the animals that live there. We love being able to show him exactly where his food comes from. It excites him as much as it does us! In a world full of material excess, we are happy to teach our son the importance of connecting with the Earth and the food we eat.
The food we receive from Madison Creek Farms is simply put, the best. On average, the food you buy at the grocery store can be anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months old! This may not seem like that big of a deal, but I can assure you it is. I won't go into how most food is processed prior to shipment to the grocery stores, I'll save that for another day, but it's not pretty.
The most nutrient dense food you can eat either comes right from your own back yard, or comes from your local farmer. You can literally taste the difference in farm fresh produce cut that morning and grocery store bought. It is so power packed and flavorful! I yearn for Peggy and Mark's produce during the winter months as I eat what I have frozen or canned.
We as a species have become so disconnected. We are disconnected from our farmers, from our neighbors, even from the people we call friends.
It's time to wake up and change that.
If you have never had a crop share, we encourage you to try it out! There is no better way to eat in season, support your local organic farms, and get back to your roots.
The most nutrient dense food you can eat either comes right from your own back yard, or comes from your local farmer. You can literally taste the difference in farm fresh produce cut that morning and grocery store bought. It is so power packed and flavorful! I yearn for Peggy and Mark's produce during the winter months as I eat what I have frozen or canned.
We as a species have become so disconnected. We are disconnected from our farmers, from our neighbors, even from the people we call friends.
It's time to wake up and change that.
If you have never had a crop share, we encourage you to try it out! There is no better way to eat in season, support your local organic farms, and get back to your roots.
Live pure.